Available Resources

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Installed (or downloaded)

RGB color profiles

Add your own, dependent on your printer

Applied to whole page right before upload. Set <ICCProfile> in Products.xml




Small texture files for tiled backgrounds

Open source*

drag onto page opens background dialog




B/W JPG masks

Open source*

drag onto image opens frame dialog



Downloaded (or installed)

PNG frames with transparent center

Open source*

drag onto image opens frame dialog




2.500 PNG cliparts

Folder structure², open source*

drag onto page as a normal image; can keep using Folders.dat from Publisher 3.1




120 JPG thumbs pointing to highres stock photos on the 1STEIN webserver

Open source*

drag onto page as background or image (highres download)





400 JPG thumbs pointing to highres stock photos on YOUR webserver

Folder structure², originals crypted with level1, limited copyright*

drag onto page as background or image (highres download)

€ 390




Example folders.dat

400 PNG thumbs with transparent background pointing to highres stock photos on YOUR webserver

Folder structure², originals crypted with level2, limited copyright*

drag onto page as a normal image, but no image editing, cannot be used as background, displayed in thumb resolution, replaced with highres image shortly before upload.
lightbulb_onReplaces the deprecated OPI feature

€ 390

* See Folders.dat for copyright information
² Subfolder names are not allowed to have any special characters (&, space, etc), since they are part of the DownloadURL.


All free Open Source archives are pool collections, meaning that if you include these archives in your installers, we ask you to send us some of your own creative work in return. We will include these files in the common image pool for all customers. The free archive ZIP files are downloaded by the SetupWizard into the 4all.EN folder. From there you should move them into the source\<subshop> folder (see SourceDir in SetupWizard), where they will be included in the installer. We recommend to include the following libraries in the installer: Res_ColorProfiles1.zip, Res_Masks1.zip, Res_Textures1.zip. The other libraries are too large and should be dynamically downloaded by the user from the DataPackURL: Res_Frames1.zip, Res_Backgrounds1.zip, Res_Clipart1.zip

You can get a copy of the clipart package from http://www.1stein.de/publisher/pixpedia-de/branding/Res_Clipart1.zip

You don’t need to change the folders.dat in this package, as it is handled the old way (<= v3.1). As this library is very large, you should also place it into your DataPackURL, so the users can download it dynamically. You can add you own clipart to this package.

The Res_Backgrounds1.zip contains only thumbs, and a Folders .dat, where DownloadURL points to the location of the original images. How this works is described in the following chapter. If you want to use these images in your branded Publisher, you must acknowledge the readme.txt inside the Orig_Backgrounds.zip, which you can download from http://lego.1stein.de/publisher/download/Orig_Backgrounds1.zip

The Res_Masks1.zip can be extendend with your own masks (but since this is Open Source, we ask you to send us your files!). The mask files must be of type JPG, start with the name “Mask..”, and must contain B/W or grayscale pixels only. Which of the two (B/W) is transparent is determined by the center pixel. If it is black, all white regions will be transparent in the underlying image. All grayscale parts will be semitransparent.

The Res_Frames1.zip can be extendend with your own frames (the same Open Source duty applies!). The frames files must be of type PNG, start with the name “Frame..” and contain transparent regions, where the underlying image will show through.

As of 3P Publisher v3.5, you can also add your own resource archives and define how the archive is to be displayed in the Publisher through the Folders.dat. This implies a big improvement to the already very flexible branding concept of the Publisher. If you add your own resources, the archives must start with the prefix "Res_" and use ZIP compression. Resource updates can be provided as Res_ABC_updateXY.zip in the DataPackURL. This also allows deletion of no longer used files (see UpdateDelete section at the bottom of Folders.dat).


A preview of the commercial Gallery can be seen here:

And the Objects:

These images are great for backgrounds, greeting cards, invitations and calendars. They allow for highly professional design and creativity. To purchase these two libraries, please send us an email.



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