While the OpenCart Administration is mainly intended for shop settings, storefront content management and modifying customer & order data, it is not suitable for batch processing, table filtering, reporting and special 3P work flow & print actions. For this we developed the 3P BackOffice, which integrates neatly with OpenCart and also runs in any browser.
The following actions are called in the 3P BackOffice only. Some of them route directly to the customer/order record in the OpenCart Administration, without having to repeatedly log in as Administrator.
Customer Actions

1. | Opens a dialog that allows the Admin to send a custom mail to the customer using the SMTP hMailServer. Mail templates can have tokens that are automatically replaced by the 3P BackOffice with the corresponding database values. The Admin can add an invoice to the mail, which is also an editable template. |
2. | IP addresses are logged for each customer in the oc_customer_ip table, allowing the location of the customer to be shown on a map. The URL used for this is stored in the oc_3p_option table in the option Url.IPSearch |
3. | Launches the OpenCart Administration, allowing the Admin to edit the current customer data. |
4. | Adds a memo record to the oc_customer_history table. |
5. | Deletes a customer record, and recursively deletes all orders, order items and associated PDF files. This frees up disk space on the computer, but should only be called if a customer is not likely to return to the store or if the registration is fake. |
Order Actions

4. | Launches the OpenCart Administration, allowing the Admin to edit the current order data. |
5. | Launches the OpenCart Administration, allowing the Admin to view the current order data and the uploaded PDFs. |
6. | Opens a dialog to change the order status of the current order. A notification is automatically sent to the customer, to which the Admin can add a custom comment, and a record is added to oc_order_history. |
7. | Deletes an order record with all order items and associated PDF files. This frees up disk space on the computer, but should only be called if an order was cancelled or some other print failure occurred. |
8. | Shows the invoice of the current order, as generated by OpenCart. |
Order Item Actions

1. | Opens the stitched content.pdf file of the current order item in the Acrobat Reader. |
2. | Opens a dialog to change the order status of the current order, to which the selected order item belongs, to Printing, Shipping or PDF/Printing failed. A notification is automatically sent to the customer, to which the Printer can add a custom comment, and a record is added to oc_order_history. |
3. | Shows a PDF flipbook preview of the current order item. The customer can also view this flipbook from the order record in his account. |
6. | Deletes an order item with associated PDF files. This frees up disk space on the computer, but should only be called if an order item was cancelled or could not be printed. |
8. | Launches the OpenCart Administration, allowing the Admin to view all imported products. |
Print Actions

This menu contains all actions referrring to the current customer, order or order item.
Most of the actions are not available, if the printer logs in with the Printer Role. Only the Administrator Role provides access to all features and all tables of the OpenCart mySQL database.

Batch mode: The Admin or Printer can change the order status for several Orders or Print Jobs at the same time, by selecting the corresponding records before calling the Process dialog.
Once the cron job has finished processing the status change, the icon will automatically change according to the new order status. The cron job also notifies the customer and logs errors into the oc_order_history table.
If the printer has no direct access to your server, then you need to share the print queue folder.
• | You cannot have an order in shop 1 from a customer in shop 0, because a customer from shop 0 is not known in shop 1. The Login form during upload not only checks credentials, but alse the subshopid. |
• | In the 3P BackOffice, if you delete customers, orders or order items, all associated PDF files are also deleted via cron job. |
• | All status changes, deletions and file purges are logged in the oc_order_history table. Status changes are also notified via email to the customer. |
• | A customer can reorder an existing order only, if the corresponding upload PDF files are still existing, and if the order status is Shipping (order_status_id = 3) |