The 3P OpenCart store is based on a very complex relational mySQL database. The 3p_db.mdb file, which is located in the openoffice folder, contains links to all mySQL tables, and based on these tables, there are a number of queries (views) which can be opened, filtered, sorted and printed in the 3P Backoffice interface.
On the left you see some of the queries marked in red. There is a 1:N relation between queries/tables in the tree and tables/queries in the tabsets. This means for instance, that a record in the query Orders has N records in the query Order items and N records in the query Order History. If you select a record in Orders and then click on Order Items, only those items belonging to the selected order are displayed.
You can also link to the 3p_db.mdb file and create your own queries and statistics using Microsoft Access. This makes 3P OpernCart & Backoffice the most flexible photobook backend on the market.
Moreover, if you have defined useful statistic queries, please send them to us so we can include them directly in the 3p_db.mdb file for future versions.