Dynamic Spine & Paper Pricing |
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As of version 3.7, the Publisher can handle dynamic spine widths in the cover chunk of a product. For this you need to add the following options in the corresponding product description inside the Products.xml (see example in <SetupWizard>\Source\4all.EN\products_demo.zip): <FEATUREGROUP> <OPTION selected="1" visible="1"> //0 = hidden, 1/missing = visible <OPTION selected="0" visible="1">
UpPriceInc in the Chunk section defines the overall production price increase for the content chunk, if PageIncrement is set, i.e. if the book becomes larger or needs to be handled differently. In addition to this, if PageUpPrice is defined as a feature (optional image) or option (values dropdown), the price of the book is increased by the number of pages times PageUpPrice. This can account for a thicker or more expensive paper. The possible formulas are thus: Book price without paper options =
The second new dynamic modification is introduced by the PaperThickness and BaseSpineWidth options, which recalculate the width of the cover to account for the changing thickness of the binding (spine). The following illustration explains how to plan a dynamic cover, defined in the design mode as a single page with: Cover Width = 2 * (Spine Joint Width + Content Page Width + Overlap + Bleed/Wrap) In this cover layout, the dynamic spine should not be included, as it is calculated on-the-fly: Dynamic Spine Width = BaseSpineWidth + (PaperThickness * Pagecount)
If PaperThickness = 0 or not used, then spine width = 0. This was the default for versions below 3.7, and customers used to simulate a binding by placing a locked and not printable rectangle in the center of the page. The width of this simulated binding was then manually added to the horizontal bleed. However, this technique did not react dynamically on PageIncrements, so the bleed had to account for MaxPageCount. As a result, the user did not really know where to place book titles in the center of the cover, because the actual cover boundary was somewhere inside the bleed, depending on the number of pages. In version 3.7, you can now define PaperThickness, which is multiplied by the actual number of pages and automatically calculates and draws a physical binding, thus increasing the cover width. To this BaseSpineWidth is added. If you only have one paper type, then set the paper feature or option to visible=0, so no dropdown will be shown in the product options page. In the cover bleed, you should now include the following physical elements: Horizontal Cover Bleed = Vertical Cover Bleed =
<PRODUCT id="fb0006" active="1" selected="0" groupid="bk1"> <FoldFile>images\fold_gradient1.png</FoldFile> <PinchImageFileLeft Distance="0.3cm">images\pinch_left.png</PinchImageFileLeft> <PinchImageFileRight Distance="0.3cm">images\pinch_right.png</PinchImageFileRight>
The PinchImageFile will be displayed at the position of the blue bar in the following image, with an optional displacement of Distance, and will move out dynamically with the dynamic spine width. The FoldFile will be displayed exactly in the center: