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In the 3P OpenCart & BackOffice installation, there are a number of interface files and templates you can translate and modify.

lightbulb_onIf your store displays strings in the wrong language, or if you need to change the translations, they can be corrected either in the language PHP files, the template files or in one of the mySQL tables.





3P Publisher Upload

Login Form

1.controller: catalog/controller/3p_design/login.php
2.language: catalog/language/english/3p_design/login.php
3.template: catalog/view/theme/default/template/3p_design/login.tpl
1.don't change!
2.copy the file to catalog/language/<your language>/3p_design/ and translate it in Notepad++
3.open it in Notepad++ and change the HTML code only

lightbulb_onBe sure not to break any PHP code. You may also change any CSS you encounter.



1.controller: catalog/controller/3p_design/register.php
2.language: catalog/language/english/3p_design/register.php
3.template: catalog/view/theme/default/template/3p_design/register.tpl

(see above)

lightbulb_onThe register.php can be copied from:
opencart\catalog\language\<your language>\account\


Forgotten Password

1.controller: catalog/controller/3p_design/forgotten.php
2.language: catalog/language/english/3p_design/forgotten.php
3.template: catalog/view/theme/default/template/3p_design/forgotten.tpl

(see above)

Notification Mails

Registration Notification

1.language: catalog/language/english/mail/customer.php
2.template: none

(see above)


New Password Request

1.language: catalog/language/english/mail/customer.php
2.template: none

(see above)


Confirm Order

1.language: catalog/language/english/mail/customer.php
2.template: catalog/view/theme/default/template/mail/order.tpl

(see above)


Order Status Notification

1.language: catalog/language/english/mail/order.php
2.template: none

(see above)


Invoice Attachment

1.language: admin/language/english/sale/order.php
2.template: admin/view/template/sale/order_invoice.tpl

The invoice template is based on OpenCart design. It is also used in the OpenCart Administration > Sales > Orders > Print Invoice button, so we don't recommend that you change it's controller.

lightbulb_onThe order.php language file is shared by all order functions, and commonly any new language will include this file too. In this file you can also define the date format of the order date through the field date_format_short.

3P OpenCart Shop

Download Page

1.Edit OpenCart Administration > Catalog > Information > Start designing your Photo Book
2.language:  the content is separated into different language tabsets


The download page needs a fixed sort order of 950 to identify it.

lightbulb_onWhat it looks like in the shop:



Upload Error Page

1.Edit OpenCart Administration > Catalog > Information > 3P Upload Error
2.language:  the content is separated into different language tabsets
The error page needs a fixed sort order of 800 to identify it.
You must include a {error_warning} token, where the error message is displayed.
You can add direct contact information to the template, but also route to the OpenCart page index.php?route=information/contact from here.

lightbulb_onWhen 3P Publisher finishes the upload of the project pages, OpenCart will try to add the new product to the shopping cart. If any error occurs, the user will be redirected to the error page instead of the shopping cart.
The Administrator should check the tables oc_customer_history or oc_order_history regularly for any upload or production errors. Support emails from the customer are not always the best information source.


Flipbook (PDF preview)

1.controller: catalog/controller/3p_design/flipper.php
2.language: catalog/language/english/3p_design/flipper.php
3.template: catalog/view/theme/default/template/3p_design/flipper.tpl

(see above)

lightbulb_onThe Flipbook preview is only created by the 3P Publisher if you add this attribute to the products.xml:

<PageThumbnails enabled="1" maxwidth="600" maxheight="600">




Tag Cloud

1.controller: catalog/controller/module/3p_tagcloud.php
2.language: catalog/language/english/module/3p_tagcloud.php
3.template: catalog/view/theme/default/template/module/3p_tagcloud.tpl

(see above)


lightbulb_onThe tag cloud is extracted from the PRODUCTGROUPS.Tags attribute, so the tags themselves must be translated in the products.xml

3P OpenCart Administration


language: admin/language/english/tool/*.php

Optional, if you want to change the admin interface to your native language. But make sure your corresponding language folder has the same files.

3P BackOffice

Email & Invoice Templates

Folder: openoffice\3pdemo-en\Templates\*.htm

All files found in the 3P BackOffice <subshop-id>\Templates folder will be added to the Template and Attachment dropdown of the Send Template Mail dialog.


You can add any HTML template file to the subshop's Templates folder. Open the file in Notepad++ (or any other HTML editor) to edit the layout. Make sure to preserve the tokens of the form {shipping_method}. You can add any field names from the mySQL oc_customer and oc_order tables as tokens. The tokens will be filled by the current selected record in the 3P BackOffice.
The token {message_body} should always be part of your template, as this is replaced with the text you enter in the Send Template Mail dialog.
Image tags should point to image files in the same folder as the HTML template, i.e. don't add any path.

lightbulb_onThe Template dropdown selects the template used for the email (incl. the replaced {message_body}), while the Attachment dropdown allows the template to be attached as a PDF to the email. For convenience, any template file can be both an email body or a PDF attachment.
The email will be sent through the SMTP server (hMailServer) of your 3P OpenCart installation. You can check the store settings in the OpenCart Administration or directly in the oc_setting table.

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