Example Product

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Below you see an example product definition to test page increments, features, feature options, surcharges and paper sizes. It is also found in the <SetupWizard>\Source\4all.EN\Products_demo.zip

If the demo product is selected in the Publisher product wizard, the following options dialog appears:



Example Dynamic Spine Width

You can add the demo product to your own products.xml to test the dynamic spine width.
The corresponding attributes are marked red below.

Example Price Calculation

Lets assume the user is designing a product with the following options:

Photo book with 28 pages (= 2 page increments of 4 pages)
Matt paper
Black artificial leather cover with gold edges
Metal spiral binding (no upprice)

The total price of the product is calculated as:

(€ 25.00 + 2 * € 2.95) + (€ 1.00 + 28 * 0.01) + (€ 5.00 + € 1.00) + € 0.00 = € 38,18 (including total VAT of € 6,10, excluding shipping)

The corresponding attributes are marked purple below.


How this is calculated and shipping is added in the 3P OpenCart shop can be seen in this topic


  <PRODUCT id="fb0006" active="1" selected="0" groupid="bk1">

    <ShortName>Photo Book, portrait</ShortName>

    <LongName>Photo Book, portrait (demo product)</LongName>



    <PinchImageFileLeft Distance="0.3cm">images\pinch_left.png</PinchImageFileLeft>

    <PinchImageFileRight Distance="0.3cm">images\pinch_right.png</PinchImageFileRight>

    <Description format="text/html">Feature, Options and UpPrice demo product</Description>



      <Rebate amount="5" price="0.98" />

      <Rebate amount="10" price="0.97" />

      <Rebate amount="15" price="0.96" />

      <Rebate amount="20" price="0.95" />



    <InactiveMsg />

    <StatusMsg>Makes a great gift!</StatusMsg>








      <CHUNK title="cover">







      <CHUNK title="content">


        <IconFile />










      <FEATUREGROUP>                                          //FEATURE GROUP: COVER


        <FEATURE selected="1">



          <OPTION selected="0">



          <OPTION selected="1">




        <FEATURE selected="0">

          <Name>Artificial Leather</Name>



          <OPTION selected="1">



          <OPTION selected="0">


            <Name>Black with gold edges</Name>





      <FEATUREGROUP>                                          //FEATURE GROUP: BINDING


        <FEATURE selected="1">


          <DisplayName>Plastic spirale</DisplayName>

          <OPTION selected="1">


            <DisplayName>Metal spirale</DisplayName>


          <OPTION selected="0">


            <DisplayName>Gold plated spirale</DisplayName>






      <FEATUREGROUP>                                          //FEATURE GROUP: PAPER


        <FEATURE selected="1">

          <Name>Recycled Paper</Name>

          <PaperThickness>0.2mm</PaperThickness>  //must include mm or µm; dynamically widens the cover spine,

                                                           //when PageIncrements are added


        <FEATURE selected="0">

          <Name>Premium Paper</Name>

          <PageUpPrice>10</PageUpPrice>           //both can also be defined inside OPTION, if a dropdown is preferred over an image

          <PaperThickness>0.4mm</PaperThickness>  //0.4 mm for testing the dynamic cover spine with PageIncrements


        <FEATURE selected="0">

          <Name>Laminated Paper</Name>

          <UpPrice></UpPrice>                                    //= general production surcharge for binding glue

          <OPTION selected="0" visible="1">       //0 = hidden, 1/missing = visible


            <UpPrice>1000</UpPrice>               //= € 1 longer workflow surcharge

            <PageUpPrice>10</PageUpPrice>         //= 1 cent; don't confuse with UpPriceInc for chunk PageIncrement



          <OPTION selected="1" visible="1">







      <FEATUREGROUP>                                          //Hidden feature group, if not features are visible

        <Name>Hidden Group</Name>

        <FEATURE selected="1" visible="0">

          <Name>Hidden Feature</Name> 

          <OPTION selected="1" visible="0">

            <Name>Hidden Option</Name>







lightbulb_onAn explanation of further attributes can be found here.


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