After you have added a new language (incl. default currency, if needed) and created a new subshop, you can import products into this subshop.
The product importer can be found under Administration > System > Products Importer. Please be aware, that all products and product features must be defined in the products.xml file only. If you change any product options in the OpenCart Administration interface, they will be overwritten the next time you import the products.xml file. If you need to change prices, deactivate products and add new products or new product features, do this only by means of XML editor inside the products.xml file. After every change, you need to re-import the file into the corresponding shop. Make sure to import the right products.xml file for each shop. Its generally a good idea to make a database backup before you re-import a products.xml file. A product import will not destroy any existing orders, but if you import the wrong file, you will certainly mess up your order records. Product Categories Product categories (groups) and tags (keywords for the Tag Cloud) are imported from the <PRODUCTGROUPS> section of the products.xml. Read the next chapter for details on this. Product Features (Options) The product features in the screenshots below originate from the Red attributes of the products.xml. Please do not change them in the OpenCart Administration! The attributes marked in Blue are used to calculate the Page Increment (Matt): +8 pages option. For more infos, read the chapter on Paper Pricing.
<FEATUREGROUP> <Name>Hardcover</Name> <FEATURE selected="1" visible="1"> <ImageFile>images\dx011_hard.jpg</ImageFile> </FEATURE> </FEATUREGROUP>
Product Images All product images from a subshop should be copied to the folder C:\inetpub\wwwroot\opencart\image\data\3p_products\<subshop>. If the shop needs to display product and category images in a higher resolution than the Publisher, you have two alternatives:
Product Filters The Price filter is taken from the BasePrice attributes, and the Size filter from the Format attributes of the products.xml file: <PRODUCT id="dx011001" active="1" selected="0" groupid="dx011"> <LongName>Hardcover 14,8 cm x 21,0 cm</LongName> <ShortName>14,8 cm x 21,0 cm (A5 hoch)</ShortName> <FormatWidth>14,8 cm</FormatWidth> <FormatHeight>21,0 cm</FormatHeight> ... <BasePrice>15600</BasePrice>
The filter range itsself is defined through the following section (in an example of the of 3P Demo shop). Depending on your currency you will have to adjust these values in the products.xml. You can add any filter to the Price or the Size list. The last entry will show all remaining products more expensive or bigger than the previous value (example: Big Sizes). <FILTERS name="Price" displayname="Price"> <FILTER> <Name>All Prices</Name> <DisplayName>All Prices</DisplayName> <Min>0</Min> <Max>1000000</Max> </FILTER> <FILTER> <Name>< 20</Name> <DisplayName>< 20</DisplayName> <Min>0</Min> <Max>20</Max> </FILTER> <FILTER> <Name>20 .. 30</Name> <DisplayName>20 .. 30</DisplayName> <Min>20</Min> <Max>30</Max> </FILTER> ... </FILTERS> <FILTERS name="Size" displayname="Size"> <FILTER> <Name>All Sizes</Name> <DisplayName>All Sizes</DisplayName> <Width>0</Width> <Height>0</Height> </FILTER> <FILTER> <Name>Square</Name> <DisplayName>Square</DisplayName> <Width>0</Width> <Height>0</Height> </FILTER> <FILTER> <Name>A5 Sizes</Name> <DisplayName>A5 Sizes</DisplayName> <Width>148</Width> <Height>210</Height> </FILTER> ... <FILTER> <Name>Remaining</Name> <DisplayName>Big Sizes</DisplayName> <Width>9999</Width> <Height>9999</Height> </FILTER> </FILTERS>
Flipbook Preview The Flipbook page thumbs are only created and uploaded by the 3P Publisher if you add the following to the products.xml: <PageThumbnails enabled="1" maxwidth="600" maxheight="600">JPG</PageThumbnails>