New resource concept after v3.5

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The new dynamic tabsets feature of the 3P Publisher will show a tabset for any, if the archive contains a file named Folders.dat (example), describing how the resource is to be handled. Resources without a Folders.dat will be installed/extracted into the Organizer folder structure, but will not be assigned to a tabset.

The destination of all resources is currently C:\ProgramData\<Publishername>\Organizer\Resources, with one exception: the clipart library is extracted into C:\ProgramData\CodedColor Common\Clipart1. The archive thus does not need a new Folders.dat and continues to use the existing one.

Resource archives can contain original images or thumbs pointing to the original images on the webserver. Original images on the webserver can be encoded to protect the artist’s copyright. To encode these images, you need to install CodedColor PhotoStudio (license required) and run the encoding batch process on the original images with a password and protection level (see next chapter).

Resource archives should placed in the DataPackURL branding folder. Unless included by the SetupWizard, they will be downloaded by the user as soon as he has an online connection. If resource archives are included by the SetupWizard, they should be kept small in order to limit the size of the installer. Resource packages at the DataPackURL can contain original images or thumbs of these images. Inside the Folders.dat you can tell the 3P Publisher where to download the original file when the user drags a thumb to a product page.


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