Changing Category Images
One of the product-relevant options that can be changed through the OpenCart Administration are the product Category Images, as these generally need to be bigger than the ones displayed in the 3P Publisher product wizard.
To the right you see a category with it's imported data and the manually changed category image. All other options like product Filters are automatically imported from the products.xml file.
Below you see an example of the products.xml category section with 3 product categories (groups) and the ImageFile which is displayed in the Publisher Product Wizard:
<GROUP id="dm012">
<Name>Softcover Books</Name>
<Tags>Photo Albums, Casting Albums, Holiday Albums</Tags>
<GROUP id="dm015">
<Name>Linen & Leather</Name>
<Tags>Wedding Books, Yearbooks, Art Guide, Photo Albums, ...</Tags>
<GROUP id="dm013">
<Name>Wired Scrapbooks</Name>
<Tags>Scrapbooks, Manuals, Scripts, Real Estate Catalogs, ...</Tags>
You can now assign a different category image (as displayed to the left) which will be shown in the OpenCart Storefront. It will not be overwritten next time you import a newer products.xml.