Shop Product Migration

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Whenever you make changes to the products.xml, you have to reimport the file into the associated store. Do not make changes to the products in the OpenCart Administration, as these will be overwritten by the next import. Read more about the product import here.

The product import activates cron jobs, that automatically change stock status values at defined dates. Basically, product records are never deleted from the database, even if they are no longer listed inside the products.xml. If a product doesn't exist anymore, or can no longer be ordered, then the product is set to invisible in the store. This assures correct order & print management even for products that have become expired. To see how this is handled in the 3P Publisher applications, read the topic about Product Migration (1).

In the products.xml

In 3P OpenCart (see oc_stock_status and oc_product tables)

Product no longer listed (or commented out)

Product is no longer visible in the store. The status field in table oc_product is set to 0.

active = 0

stock_status = Inactive

Product is no longer visible in the store. The status field in table oc_product is set to 0.

VisibleFromDate is in the future

stock_status = Active, date_available = VisibleFromDate

Product is not yet visible in the store. Visibility is handled by by OpenCart.

VisibleToDate expired

stock_status = Expiring

Product is no longer visible in the store. The status field in table oc_product is set to 0.

lightbulb_onThe customer can still upload and order his project from the 3P Publisher.

OrderByDate expired

stock_status = Unavailable

Product is no longer visible in the store. The status field in table oc_product is set to 0.

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