Version changes

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Changes in the products.xml are displayed in the <SetupWizard>\Source\4all.EN\ You should compare the contained products.xml to your local file using WinMerge. This file is automatically downloaded by the SetupiWzard. We recommend to compare your own products.xml to the Products_demo.xml using the free WinMerge application, in order to find and copy new attributes.

Changes to the Publisher binary are displayed in the version history:

You can usually test the newest binary in the Pixpedia client. This is also a good example for branding:

However, since the English version has no products, replace the English products.xml (located in C:\ProgramData\Pixpedia Publisher\Products) with the corresponding German version. Download this from:

Translation of new versions

Whenever we finish a new binary release (hotfix or regular update), we will announce this via Email. You can then receive an updated translation database from us, in which you need to filter for changed and new strings. As soon as you update the translation and sent it back to us, we can provide a new binary in your language.


If you are not satisfied with some translations, DON'T send us an updated database, but request a fresh translation database from 1STEIN. After all translation cycles, we will upload your final binary.


See also A note on version numbers

2015 © 3P Photobook Publisher